Using Pay by Cash


“A simple alternative to pay for your parking”



 Look for the sign!  



You can now pay for parking in selected retailers using the Pay by Cash scheme.


Simply enter a participating Pay by Cash retailer, provide your vehicle and parking details and pay for parking. You can also top up your Phone and Pay account which enables you to ring up and pay for parking using credit on your account.


Your parking session will be booked immediately and automatically updated on the handheld devices of Civil Enforcement Officers in the area.


Retailers offering the scheme can process your parking payments via smartphone app or our website.


Why use Pay by Cash to pay for your parking?


  • There is no need for mobile or internet access
  • You can pay for parking with ease and speed
  • You don’t have to provide your bank details
  • You receive face-to-face customer service
  • You can request a parking confirmation text for peace of mind (if you opt for SMS services)


Look out for participating retailers in boroughs across the UK, including the London Borough of Bexley!